Eye On Modesto

Thoughts and observations about Modesto and Stanislaus County

John Mensinger Gets Himself and MID Sued For Harassment and More

By Emerson Drake

Our MID Mailbag came through again with startling news and information.    Former Modesto Irrigation District General Counsel Ronda Lucas has filed a lawsuit against John Mensinger for among other things, harassment, creating a hostile work environment, retaliation for making a discrimination complaint, and the Modesto Irrigation District for failing to protect her from consistent ongoing harassment.  Director Paul Campbell and General Manager Scott Furgerson were specifically listed as acting in concert against her and failing to protect her rights and violations of a numerous list of government codes.

We’ve witnessed MID Director John Mensinger’s hostile outbursts against the members of the public during MID meetings.  His anger boils to the surface and he doesn’t seem to be able to control himself.  His specialty or style is to respond when the members of the public have returned to their seats and are unable to respond. It isn’t hard to envision him taking advantage of his position as MID Director, against a woman, especially if he felt in control.

We’ll be following this up with more detail from the lawsuit when time permits. We at EyeOnModesto want to thank our contributors who sent us the entire lawsuit.

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4 thoughts on “John Mensinger Gets Himself and MID Sued For Harassment and More

  1. William Byrd on said:

    John needs to go! Go to outside counsel because “ it’s time for a change” great timing, dam relicensing, state water grab, firing one of the best water attorneys in California? Brilliant! Your ego is getting in the way of good business. Or wait, is there a hidden agenda here? I think that might be the only answer. Outside counsel might be cheaper? Well, the lawsuit you and your cronies have created are going to cost the MID ratepayers a lot more than inside general counsel. Sleep well John, Paul, and Stu! Reap it!

  2. PEGGY S. GARDINER on said:

    You were raised by people who thought you were extra special. It is time for you to learn that no one thought that except you parents’. Grow up, be a man, and think with your big brain not your little.

  3. Todd Sill on said:

    Mensinger didn’t accomplish this on his own. Campbell and Gilman have been voting with him on these actions and should be recognized as well for their part in firing Ronda Lucas. Now they have fired the witnesses mentioned in the article of the Modesto Bee. Cover up? Who else had a part in all of this? Looks like the control Mensinger, Campbell and Gilman have worked so hard to obtain is spiraling out of control.

  4. Why is John Mensinger still employed at MID after violating the MID Employee policy, anti-discrimination policy at his employment and costing MID $585,000 in an arbitration settlement?? At any other business his @$$ would be tossed out the door!!

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